Marcus Building Movers...

A Rolling History

At Marcus Building Movers our company came about through an integral need by Dick G. Marcus, eventual company founder, owner, and operator.

Our 3rd Generation Company Has Been Moving...

Homes, Structures & Oversized Equipment Since 1975

Marcus Building Movers transporting a home

In 1975 Dick needed a shed moved...

While waiting for a structural moving contractor to perform the relocation, Dick decided to do the job himself. As a problem-solving farmer and skillful mechanic who was known for "thinking outside the box," he knew he could handle the task. Plus, Dick had five sons who could assist him during the moving process.

Marcus Building Movers picking up the structure to be moved

Buying-out a mover from New London, MN...

Specifically for their equipment, Dick successfully moved his first structure, a shed. From there Marcus Building Movers was established and began to grow, relocating different types and larger structures with every year that passed. Eventually Dick’s three sons (the second generation), Garvin, Marlin, and Jerry Marcus, became partners and bought him out.


Over time...

Technology advancements and industry procedural changes altered our structural relocation business. What was once a business using manual jacks and homemade dollies is now a well-recognized company using efficient unified hydraulic jacking systems, hydraulic dollies, and steel beams to move any type of structure.

Marcus Building Movers employees standing with the escorting officer

Today Marcus Building Movers...

Is in its third generation of successful operation. Eric, Dan and Kevin, sons of Garvin, Marlin, and Jerry, have taken part in the family business. No matter who’s at the helm, we continually strive to maintain our ‘reputable building mover’ status.

Recognizable Moving Accomplishments


1891 Two Story Farmhouse (2015)

Moved while retaining its original architecture, including the elaborate wrap-around porches. Cover Story in Structural Mover magazine: (2015). Minnesota 1891 Farmhouse. Structural Mover, Volume 33 (Number 4) 21.

Marcus Building Movers moving the marble Luthern Church

Marble Lutheran Church (2004)

Moved from Canby, MN to the shores of Lake Andrew near New London, MN.

Marcus Building Movers moves a motel

Cozy Inn Motel (2003)

Two-story structure measuring 135' long and 44' wide and weighing 180 tons.

Won Regional & National Awards from IASM and Midstates Housemovers

Marcus Building Movers Inc. won this award at the 2018 Midstates House Movers Association in Nebraska. "Tallest Structure Moved." It was for one of three 70ft tall grain bins we moved about 8 miles. – this needs to be moved up to the Recognizable Moving Accomplishments.

Marcus Building Movers was featured on the cover of a magazine